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  • Writer's pictureAlbaRosa

Club ride Coronavirus update

Updated: May 18, 2021

Following the Government roadmap that was announced last month, British Cycling have this week shared their guidance for clubs regarding the planned return to "normality". We're pleased to say that club rides can recommence from March 29th but will continue to be carefully controlled to ensure the safety of all attending members. This will include a cap of group ride sizes that requires members to register for each ride via the events in our members page. For this reason, unfortunately club rides will continue to be limited to members only with trial rides not possible for the time being. We will look to remove this ride restriction when the Government restrictions end in a few months time. If you're happy to 'buy before you try', you can still join us via the British Cycling website - We apologise for any convenience this may cause but we will continue to keep all members safe and do everything we can to help ensure the roadmap schedule is maintained. Please contact us on if you have any questions.


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